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Top Security Data Types: Exploring the OCSF Framework

Top Security Data Types: Exploring the OCSF Framework

In cybersecurity, it’s a big challenge to handle diverse data formats across various platforms. The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) aims to address this by standardizing data security formats and simplifying the process of threat hunting. Major players like IBM, AWS and others are working together to standardize data with this open-source project, emphasizing its importance.

OCSF not only enhances interoperability among different security tools but also improves efficiency by streamlining data integration and analysis. In addition, standardizing a security data format makes tools like data lakes easier to use. This blog explores why OCSF is pivotal for threat hunting and highlights key security data types that SecOps teams should monitor.


Security Data Types and the OCSF Framework

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Why is OCSF Relevant for Threat Hunting?

The OCSF project is crucial for threat hunting as it simplifies the detection and mitigation of sophisticated threats. Here are some of the reasons why it’s so important.


Standardization of Data Formats

Before the OCSF, the use of disparate proprietary formats across various vendors significantly hindered the effectiveness of data aggregation and analysis. The introduction of OCSF has addressed this issue by providing a uniform and vendor agnostic data schema, which facilitates smoother integration of data from multiple sources and reduces the need for costly and time-consuming format conversions.


Enhanced Data Quality and Completeness

In the past, inconsistent data formats often led to gaps in information, which adversely affected the accuracy of threat detection. OCSF has improved this aspect by implementing standardized schemas that ensure the completeness and consistency of data across different systems. This standardization helps threat hunters to rely on the quality of data they analyze, leading to more accurate and reliable security assessments.


Improved Tool Interoperability

The effectiveness of threat hunting tools largely depends on their ability to share and process data efficiently, which was previously limited by poor interoperability among tools from different vendors. OCSF addresses this limitation by enhancing the compatibility of these tools, enabling threat hunters to integrate and utilize various best-in-class tools without compatibility issues, thus optimizing their security operations.


Faster Response and Detection Times

Rapid response is crucial in mitigating threats before they can cause significant damage. Delays in processing and understanding data can severely hinder this capability. By adopting standardized data formats, OCSF enables quicker data processing and integration, which in turn leads to faster detection of and response to security incidents, enhancing the overall effectiveness of threat hunting activities.


Scalability and Future-Proofing

As organizations grow and incorporate new technologies, their security infrastructure must also scale efficiently and adapt to these changes without excessive increases in complexity or cost. OCSF facilitates this scalability by ensuring that new tools and technologies can be easily integrated into existing security ecosystems, thereby future-proofing security operations against evolving threats and technological advancements.


Cost Efficiency

Managing multiple cybersecurity tools and navigating through various data formats can be both resource-intensive and expensive. OCSF simplifies these processes by reducing the need for custom integration efforts and streamlining data management practices. This not only lowers the operational costs but also allows organizations to allocate their resources more efficiently, focusing on enhancing security measures rather than managing data discrepancies.


Take the Fight to the Fraudsters... Build a Security Data Lake with ChaosSearch!


OCSF Security Data Types for Threat Hunters

Threat hunters must detect anomalies in their log and event data efficiently. Using tools like ChaosSearch on top of a security data lake, such as Amazon Security Lake, enable the effective analysis of extensive log and event histories. These tools empower security analysts to search across a large volume of telemetry data directly in the lake, making it faster and more cost effective to threat hunt at scale.

Knowing what to look for is a critical aspect of threat hunting, and these three categories of event classes are excellent places for threat hunters to take a deeper look at their security data.


Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a foundational element in maintaining the security of a system. Its significance is twofold:

  1. Access Control: IAM ensures that only authorized users gain access to the resources within your system. User access control is critical because it establishes who is allowed to interact with what data and systems, under what conditions. It prevents unauthorized access which can lead to data breaches or misuse of resources. By managing and verifying user identities and their access privileges, IAM acts as the first line of defense against potential intruders.
  2. Monitoring and Detection: IAM also plays a crucial role in monitoring user activities and detecting suspicious behavior. It can help identify anomalies in user behavior, such as unusual access times, accessing information not pertinent to one's role, or attempting to access restricted areas. These activities might indicate a compromised account or an insider threat. Early detection through effective IAM can trigger alerts and initiate protocols to mitigate potential security incidents before they escalate.

In addition, IAM supports compliance with various regulatory requirements, such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), that mandate strict controls over who can view or manipulate sensitive information. This compliance is not just about adhering to legal standards but also about protecting individuals' data and maintaining trust in technological systems. In many ways, IAM is not just a technical requirement, but also a critical component of a holistic cybersecurity strategy.


OCSF IAM Event Classes to Watch:

  • Account changes
  • Authentication
  • Authorize sessions
  • User access management
  • And more


System Activity

Monitoring system activities, including file, kernel, or memory actions, is a critical aspect of maintaining system security and integrity. This form of vigilance serves as a key means of detecting and responding to unauthorized access or other potentially malicious activities.

  1. Detecting Unauthorized Access: Changes in file systems, unusual kernel operations, or unexpected memory usage can often be the first indicators of an intrusion. By keeping a watchful eye on these system activities, security systems can detect unauthorized access early, before any significant damage or data theft occurs.
  2. Maintaining System Integrity: Regular monitoring helps ensure that the core functions of the system operate as expected and remain free from tampering. Kernel monitoring, for example, can reveal rootkits or other malicious software that attempt to modify the core operations of the operating system.
  3. Preventing Data Breaches: By detecting unusual activity in file and memory usage, monitoring can alert administrators to potential breaches of sensitive information. Early detection is key to preventing data from being compromised or exfiltrated.
  4. Facilitating Compliance and Forensic Analysis: Many regulatory frameworks require monitoring of certain system activities to ensure compliance with data protection standards. Additionally, should a breach occur, logs of system activity are invaluable for forensic analysis, helping to understand the nature of the attack and the attacker’s methods.

Robust monitoring of system activities not only helps in detecting and responding to threats but also supports compliance with legal and security standards, ensuring the overall health and security of IT environments.


OCSF System Activity Event Classes to Watch:

  • File system changes
  • Kernel operations
  • Memory transactions
  • Process activity
  • And more


Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF)


Network Activity

Network monitoring is an essential component of a comprehensive security strategy. It plays a crucial role in identifying and responding to various forms of suspicious or malicious behavior within an organization's network. Here’s why it’s so critical:

  1. Detecting Suspicious Transfers and Connections: Monitoring network traffic allows security teams to detect abnormal activities such as unusual file transfers or unauthorized remote connections. These activities could signify attempts to exfiltrate sensitive data or unauthorized access by external entities. By identifying these actions early, organizations can mitigate potential security breaches and data loss.
  2. Preventing Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): APTs often involve long-term, covert operations designed to steal data without detection. Continuous monitoring of network activity helps in identifying patterns or anomalies that may indicate the presence of such threats, enabling timely intervention.
  3. Identifying Insider Threats: Not all threats come from outside an organization. Monitoring network activity is also crucial in detecting potentially harmful actions taken by insiders, whether malicious or unintentional. This includes accessing or transmitting information that should not be available to certain individuals.
  4. Supporting Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Many industries are subject to regulations that mandate continuous monitoring of network traffic to ensure the security and privacy of data. Compliance with these regulations not only helps in maintaining legal standards but also in building trust with customers and stakeholders by safeguarding their information.
  5. Facilitating Incident Response and Forensics: In the event of a security incident, detailed logs of network activity provide invaluable data for forensic analysis. Understanding the nature of the network traffic can help in tracing the source of an attack, understanding its impact, and developing strategies to prevent future incidents.

Overall, network activity monitoring is not just about detecting threats; it’s about maintaining operational integrity, ensuring compliance with legal standards, and protecting organizational assets from both external and internal risks. It’s a proactive security measure that helps organizations stay one step ahead of potential security incidents.


The Threat Hunter's Handbook: Using Log Analytics to Find & Neutralize Hidden Cyberthreats. Get your handbook.


OCSF Network Activity Event Classes to Watch:

  • Network connections
  • HTTP requests
  • DNS queries
  • SSH activities
  • Email transactions
  • And more

To sum up, the OCSF framework plays a critical role in normalizing security data, leading to more effective threat hunting. Coupled with solutions like Amazon Security Lake and ChaosSearch, it empowers professionals to detect anomalies and achieve security observability efficiently and at scale. For security analysts who engage in threat hunting, embracing OCSF means enhancing your ability to identify potential threats accurately and quickly.


Want more threat hunting best practices?

Check out our Threat Hunter’s Handbook

About the Author, David Bunting

David Bunting is the Director of Demand Generation at ChaosSearch, the cloud data platform simplifying log analysis, cloud-native security, and application insights. Since 2019 David has worked tirelessly to bring ChaosSearch’s revolutionary technology to engineering teams, garnering the company such accolades as the Data Breakthrough Award and Cybersecurity Excellence Award. A veteran of LogMeIn and OutSystems, David has spent 20 years creating revenue growth and developing teams for SaaS and PaaS solutions. More posts by David Bunting