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ChaosSearch Blog


ChaosSearch Announces New Integration With Opsgenie

ChaosSearch is excited to announce its new integration with OpsgenieAtlassian’s alerting and incident management platform. Using this integration, your teams can leverage the industry’s most powerful and comprehensive data monitoring and analytics capabilities channeled into a unified workflow through Opsgenie’s easy-to-use interface. Working together, ChaosSearch and Opsgenie give your teams the specific information they need to proactively respond to alerts and incidents and thereby ensure uninterrupted operations, positive customer experience, and the security of data and systems.


Maximizing Reliability, Uptime, & Security

As systems become increasingly large and complex, there is always an increased risk of compromised service quality, down time, and security issues. Service disruptions can cost your organization revenue, lowered service quality will erode your company’s reputation, and – as we see all too often – security lapses can destroy customer loyalty. To minimize risk, it’s essential that you have a mechanism that will deliver high-quality, real-time alerts to the right teams so they can continually monitor your environments and start immediate remediation when necessary.


The Power of ChaosSearch

The ChaosSearch platform lets organizations easily and cost-effectively store, search, query, and visualize gigabytes to petabytes of data within their own AWS S3. ChaosSearch enables organizations to use data lake philosophy to extract immediate value out of any data at any scale, stored in S3. Valuable insights are captured and can be made available for operations through the creation of custom alerts throughout all the data in your S3 storage regardless of amount or type, and this helps you keep operations running securely and efficiently while improving customer experience.


The Power of Opsgenie

The Opsgenie platform helps Dev and Ops teams respond to critical issues before they impact your business, and if an incident does occur, the platform continues to provide real-time alerts and updates so you can maintain control. Part of the platform’s strong capabilities is its escalation feature, which ensures that all incidents are driven to resolution.

With deep integrations into monitoring, ticketing, and chat tools, Opsgenie groups alerts, filters out noise, and sends actionable notifications through multiple channels, ensuring that the right people on your team get the information they need to begin immediate resolution on alerts that have been triggered in your environment.


The Power of Opsgenie & ChaosSearch Together

ChaosSearch enables you to define custom alerts before issues arise by leveraging threshold-based alerts or extraction queries to correlate system issues. These two distinct options let you configure your Opsgenie platform to integrate directly with the indexes that matter most so you can start receiving relevant alerts through the notification channels that you have specified.

The ChaosSearch–Opsgenie integration takes full advantage of the data stored in your S3 systems, the monitoring and analytics capabilities of ChaosSearch, and the ability of Opsgenie to stream this in an automated, always-on workflow. Each time an alert is triggered in ChaosSearch, Opsgenie automatically generates an alert — notifying appropriate on-call personnel so they can take immediate action on issues that are critical to your operations.

Once the integration has been set up, you will start to see your ChaosSearch alerts in the Opsgenie alerting section as shown below in Figure 1.

Opsgenie Alerting

Figure 1


As Figure 2 illustrates, the details configured in the ChaosSearch monitor will appear in the designated Opsgenie fields to provide more context on the alert.

Opsgenie Trigger Monitor

Figure 2


The actions section in ChaosSearch allows you to define the specific information that you want to be part of the alerting payload. You can customize the message in the Message text field, and a preview will be shown in the Message preview field. (See Figure 3.)

Opsgenie Configuration

Figure 3


Configuring the ChaosSearch–Opsgenie Integration

Configuring the integration is straightforward. Simply complete the steps provided on the ChaosSearch documentation page.


Final Words and Next Steps . . .

The Opsgenie–ChaosSearch integration puts your Dev and Ops teams in a proactive position by letting you add precisely defined, custom ChaosSearch alerts to your Opsgenie notifications. Instead of wasting time searching for critical information in a lake of undifferentiated noise, specified members of your team receive real-time, actionable information based on alerts your organization has defined. The benefits are clear. Your teams are better informed, they can work proactively and in real time, and overall, they are better able to protect your data, systems, and customers.

To learn more about ChaosSearch, sign-up for a trial today. We also recommend downloading our latest whitepaper, A Modern Data Lake Engine for Scalable Log Analytics. Finally, stay tuned for information on additional ChaosSearch integrations as they become available.

About the Author, Kevin Davis

Kevin Davis was a senior director of Sales Engineering at ChaosSearch, where he helped customers activate their data lakes for search and analytics of log data. To see what Kevin’s up to now, connect with him on LinkedIn. More posts by Kevin Davis