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Ultimate Guide to Log Analytics:

5 Criteria to Evaluate Tools

Eckerson Logo

Enterprise IT professionals struggle to make their IT environments stable enough to meet business SLAs, and yet agile enough to support rapid business change. To succeed, they need to analyze the millions of logs that describe how applications, devices, clouds, networks, and containers work together.

Log analytics drive the success of three interrelated disciplines: ITOps, the implementation, management, and monitoring of IT infrastructure; DevOps, the development, testing, release, monitoring, and management of applications; and CloudOps, which combines ITOps and DevOps for cloud environments. With an effective log analytics product, ITOps, DevOps, and CloudOps engineers can help enterprises boost efficiency and gain competitive advantage.

This whitepaper recommends five criteria for enterprises to evaluate log analytics products: ease of use, analytical flexibility, performance and scalability, support for an open architecture, and governance capabilities.

You will learn:

  • What log analytics is, and why operations engineers need it
  • Primary use cases for log analytics
  • How to evaluate log analytics products and ask the questions for each criterion


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